From Rev. Miracle

Check back periodically for thoughts on the life of an everday Christian Pastor

Saturday, December 15, 2012


My wife and I were shopping and taking my 87 year old father to lunch on Friday December 14th. When we travel, we rarely turn on the radio. So we were blissfully unaware of the horror unfolding at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Ct. By the time we heard the awful news, surviving kids were home safe, the President had spoken and families were still learning who had lived and who had died. Our hearts are broken for the unspeakable that has happened.

So God, we have some questions today. Where were you when all this was happening? Why didn't you do something? How many times must we ask these questions before God answers?

Maybe God has answered but we aren't listening. Should God force us all to never do anything wrong in order to protect us from ourselves? Should I be robbed of my free will to choose good over evil? Doesn't God beg us to choose to be a blessing and give up the evil in our hearts? Didn't God send his son to  show us what love looks like? Did he save even his own son from violent death?

There will be lots of soul searching and debate in the days ahead about what to do so these awful tragedies will never happen again. Sadly, I doubt that's possible while evil stalks this world. But this  I do know. Whatever darkness or hell awaits us on this earth, God is with us. Emmanuel. Even in Newtown Ct. This is God's promise.

That promise did not die on Friday.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

In the Aftermath


By now all of us are in shock over Hurricane Sandy devastating the northeast. Mostly we are asking what can I do? How can I help?  Here are some thoughts on what to do right now:

1) Do pray.

Now is not the time to say you will pray. Now is the time to really pray. Our prayers are a powerful response to this disaster. They bring us in touch with God who hears our prayers and speaks to us about how you are to respond.

2) Do keep a cool head.

It will be some time before the full effects of Hurricane Sandy are assessed and needs evaluated. Rushing in with well intentioned but misguided assistance only adds to the problem of first responders on the scene. This national tragedy will be with us for many years to come. We will all have many ways to help.

3) Do plan on a long term sustained effort to provide help.

Too often people are forgotten in the wake of other needs that become more current. Remembering those affected long after the waters have receded will be needed.

3) Do not donate clothing.

4) Do not donate canned goods.

5) Do not donate water.

Donated clothing, food and water is almost never a good idea in a first response situation as it takes time to process. This means time away from doing what needs to be done immediately.

6) INSTEAD: Donate money which can be used to purchase all the above and more.

Please consider a donation to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) who is already on the scene in most affected areas. UMCOR is the second largest nongovernmental disaster response agency behind only the Red Cross. However, unlike Red Cross, 100% of every dollar given to UMCOR is used to help those affected by the storm. Also, long after first responders have gone home, UMCOR remains behind to assist in rebuilding destroyed homes and shattered lives. I know of no better way than UMCOR to maximize your support quickly to help our neighbors in need.
You can find out more by checking out the UMCOR website here: United Methodist Committee on Relief . You may make a donation directly to UMCOR on the web or thru any United Methodist Church.

Remember, you can make a difference. Now is the time to ask God, "What are you calling me to do?" When you have heard, get busy.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

"To every thing there is a purpose.."

“To everything there is a purpose and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

Ecc 3:8


90 days ago…I left many I loved behind. Today many I love welcome me.

90 days ago…I mourned for life left behind. Today I rejoice in life I have found.

90 days ago…I was blessed. Today I am blessed.

90 days ago…I walked in faith with God. Today I walk in faith with God.


Thank you God for reminding me you are God in all my going out and all my coming in.


90 days ago…God was God. Today God is God. Tomorrow God will still be God.


Thanks be to God!


Pastor Loran

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On June 26th, I began the next journey in my pastoral life at Kenton First in Kenton Ohio. We moved in on the 27th, the temperature was 105 on the 28th and a big wind blew through Kenton on the 29th and took down half the trees in town! What a welcome for Vicki and I.  We miss our friends from Church of St Andrew but are enjoying the folks and our new life at Kenton First.
“So, what’s next?”  People ask me that quite a bit these days. So far we have collected 68 bags of groceries. The food collection box is overflowing from our 'Get your Can to Church" campaign recently launched city wide with our ad in the KHS football program. Members purchased 90 pairs of shoes for grade school kids who need them. We’ve helped neighbors with downed trees and launched a new look website (check it out at

Soon, Sunday morning services will broadcast live on the web for shut-ins, our service men and women, college students and anyone else who cares to join us. We began a 6 week sermon series in September entitled “Not a Fan.” This series of sermons will challenge us to decide if we are fans of Jesus or are we followers. We’ll dig deep into this question on Wednesday nights with a book study and daily journal to reflect upon.

Not bad for 9 weeks. But wait there’s more!  Stay tuned. You never know what God has in store.

Pastor Loran

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sail or Anchor?


Jesus did alot of his best work from boats. He preached from boats. He crossed the Sea of Galilee in boats. He chose his first disciples calling them from their boats. I was blessed to ride in a boat in the Holy Land very similar to one Jesus would have been aboard.

Two things all boats had in common in Jesus day were a sail and an anchor. One moved the vessel where it needed to go. The other held it in place when it arrived there. No boat could do much without both. Looking at church life I see that every church must also have both. We need "sails" to be filled with the Holy Spirit and take us where God is leading us. We need "anchors" to keep us from drifting away as we do.

The problem is that some "sails" are all wind and no destination. Constantly doing this and that while not making any forward progress in their faith. Some "anchors" are convinced they have already arrived and no new destinations need be charted. So if you are "sail," bless you but hold steady to the course God lays out for you. If you are an anchor, bless you but don't forget that your voyage with Christ is about the journey, not the destination.

Today, let's weigh anchor and lay in a course for Christ. Anchor or sail, you have a job to do. And in the end, give God thanks you aren't just along for the ride!

Pastor Loran