From Rev. Miracle

Check back periodically for thoughts on the life of an everday Christian Pastor

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dear Friends,
May I be honest with you? No matter how hard we try, I am convinced most people who passed aren’t interested in joining us in church on Sunday mornings. It’s not even on their radar screen.

   Sunday morning is about resting up, catching up and getting ready for the weekly grind.  “Everyone” knows all sermons are boring, all Christians are hypocrites and what churches really want is your money. No matter how hard we try we’re not going to win out over sleeping in and getting a leg up.

   The problem is we church lovers don’t know how to connect the dots between church going and Jesus loving. In fact, too often we believe it’s the same thing. The hard truth is if our friends, neighbors and co-workers are not coming to us, we must take the Gospel to them.

   I’m not suggesting you collar everyone you pass by and ask them if they know Jesus. (Though, when was the last time you asked someone that question?) I am suggesting that you introduce others to Jesus in ways that appeal to them. Share the common language Jesus speaks that everyone understands.

   Do you openly love your neighbor more than yourself? Do you care for the poor, the widowed, the orphan?  Do you feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit the sick in the hospital? If you do, can you tell your friends why? Or can you only tell them why they should join your church?

   Most likely, there was a time when Jesus wasn’t yet on your radar screen. You fell in love with Him. When others get to know Him they will fall in love with him too. Jesus bridges the huge gap between you and those who don’t know your Jesus.

   So do invite your neighbor to church. But remember what they really need to know is not how great your church is, but how great your Jesus is.

   See you in church.