but new wine is put into fresh wineskins.” Mt 9:17
Making fine wine takes years of cultivation and hard work. So it is with a great church. We learn from each year’s harvest and make our wine better over time. But after the harvest, new wine is placed in new bottles to protect it as it matures. It’s a delicate balance of old and new. In with the old. In with the new.
Each year the Bishop reappoints pastors to their current church or moves them on to another congregation. The Bishop has chosen to reappoint me as your Pastor for another year. I am thankful to be here for year number 14.
I have been blessed to see your children grow and your grandchildren arrive as we grew together in faith. There is still much to do. There always will be.
That’s why I’m taking a moment to look back and remember, “the good old days.” After all, they were very good.
See you in Church!
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